
• Arrive at site and introduce the Team to the client.

• Unload and set up equipment

• The team gathers and takes a moment to focus thoughts and say a protective  invocation .

• Attempts to communicate with any spirits that may be present 

• Use of various equipment to facilitate and record potential evidence   

​• Conclude investigation

• The team gathers and takes a moment to perform a closing and cleansing invocation

Reveal Presentation

• Research on the location is incorporated into the presentation

• Evidence  found during analysis is incorporated into the presentation



• Memory cards are downloaded to the main computer.

• Equipment is stored away

• Research is done on the History of the location.

• Research is done on the people associated with the location

• After investigation reports are written and reviewed..

Evidence Analysis

• First review of audio recordings.  Any possible anomalies are isolated and filed for a second review later.

• Review of photographs to look for anomalies. 

• Review of the video recordings.  Any possible anomalies are filed for a second review later

• Anomalious files (potential evidence) is given a second review and  deemed either evidence or not.



• A location is selected for an investigation.

• An interview is conducted with the client and a detailed questionnaire is completed about the people and the location of the investigation.

• A preliminary walk-thru is performed of the location to identify  hot spots, cold spots & trouble spots can be identified.